What is ESG asset optimization?
ESG optimization in the construction sector consists of integrating environmental, social and governance criteria into all stages of a project’s life cycle: from the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases. In this way, it seeks to reduce risks and promote responsible practices in the development of infrastructure and buildings. The criteria that must be followed to make good use of these principles are the following:
E – Environmental: (E – Environmental): Evaluate the impact of assets on the environment. It includes factors such as carbon emissions, efficient use of natural resources, waste management, impact on biodiversity, and adoption of renewable energy. The objective is to minimize the negative environmental impact.
Gobernanza. Social (S – Social): Considers how companies manage relationships with employees, suppliers, customers and the communities where they operate. Factors such as labor rights, diversity and inclusion, working conditions, impact on local communities and protection of human rights are crucial. Governance.
Governance (G – Governance): Focuses on how companies are run and managed. Factors such as transparency, ethical practices, board independence, executive remuneration and risk management are essential to ensure good governance.

Case study
We can help you with all these sustainability assessment certificates and more…
Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
Think globally…
act locally!
BREEAM®, which was created in 1990, promotes a more sustainable construction through tools that evaluate real estate and urban developments, and is therefore one of the leading construction sustainability certificates with 541,000 buildings evaluated in 77 countries.
For this reason, the certificate is fully adapted to language, regulations and constructive practice in Spain. BREEAM ES enhance a collaborative process involving multidisciplinary professionals coordinated by the Technological Institute of Galicia, which allows to streamline the process and reduce construction costs.
BREEAM® increases the price properties by 10%, thanks to a reduction of up 60% in energy and 35% in water*”
“Achieving a high level of BREEAM® sustainability can involve an additional cost of just 2%, recoverable thanks to savings in consumption*”
Assessment process
BREEAM Certification schemes
- Communities, for urban developments.
- Refurbishment and fitout, for major renovations and and fitouts.
- New construction, for all kind of new buildings.
- In use, to assess and benchmark the sustainability of all operational asset types.
- Infraestructure, for infrastructure and civil engineering.
Typologies and categories
Any typology from residential to office, hotel, hospital, and others. For new, and restored buildings or just already in use buildings that need a continuous update through an efficient management.
BREEAM ranges from PASS, GOOD, VERY GOOD, EXCELLENT and OUTSTANDING, thanks to a holistic approach, based on evaluation by categories, which allows the complete life cycle of a building to be assessed.


- (MAN) Management
- (HEA) Health and Wellbeing
- (ENE) Energy
- (TRA) Transport
- (WAT) Water
- (MAT) Materials
- (WAS) Waste
- (L&E) Land use and ecology
- (POLL) Pollution
- (INNO) Innovation
How to certify?
- Preassessment and BREEAM ES registration
- Strategies definition
- Design phase certificate
- Postconstruction certificate
- Certificate issuance
Trust us
In ZEROCEM, we have BREEAM ES assessors with operative license obtained trough an specific teaching program according to EN-17024.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
It is a sustainability certification system in building construction created by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) in 1998.
It stands out for being a world leader in mixed-use buildings and offices, being present in 164 countries with thousands of certificates issued.
According to USGBC data, the certification guarantees savings in energy, water, and global waste of between 30% and 90% compared to conventional buildings and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 35%.
Assessment process
Certification schemes
- BD+C. Building Design and Construction.
- ND. Neigborhood developments.
- O+M. Operation and maintenance.
- ID+C. Interior Design and construction.
Categories and typologies
LEED allows for the certification of any type of building, whether new, refurbished or renovated, as well as urban developments, and to do so, it proposes different certification schemes that are under continuous review for improvement in accordance with the evolution of technology.
Depending on the points obtained in these categories, a Silver, Gold, or Platinum certificate can be obtained.


- (LT) Location and transport, where we assess the impact that the location of the building has on the local environment.
- (SS) Sustainable sites, and the relationship of the building with them.
- (WE) Water efficiency, through integration of strategies and technologies
- (EA) Energy and atmosphere, we evaluate energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energies
(MR) Materials and resources, with responsible use and management
(EQ) Indoor environmental quality
(IN) Innovation
(RE) Regional priority
How do I certify?
- Oportunidad y lanzamiento
- Investigación y diseño
- Ejecución y obra
- Revisión y certificación LEED
Trust us
We have LEED BD+C consultants prepared to work in all LEED categories and obtain the highest possible rating.
The WELL Building Standard (WELL)
The WELL Building Standard® (WELL) combines best practices in design and construction through medical evidence and scientific research using the environment as an element to support health and well-being.
WELL is an independent certification body that measures, certifies and monitors the characteristics of the built environment that seek to influence people’s health and well-being.
WELL Standard is revolutionizing the way people think about buildings.
It explores how design, operations and behaviors within the places where we live, work, learn and play can be optimized to advance human health and well-being
For all kind of projects and pilot programs
- Equitable: Aims to benefit a variety of people, including and especially disadvantaged or vulnerable populations.
- Global: Proposes interventions that are feasible, achievable and relevant across many applications throughout the world.
- Evidence-based: Draws upon a diverse and rigorous body of research across varying disciplines, validated by a collaborative body of experts, including IWBI advisors.
- Technically robust: Defines industry best practice and validates strategies through performance verification and a rigorous third-party verification process.
- Customer-focused: Sponsors the success of WELL users through dedicated coaching services, dynamic resources and an intuitive platform for navigating the journey.
- Resilient: Keeps pace with advances in research, science, technology and society, continuously improving by integrating new findings.
Categories & typologies
WELL Certified ™ They can help create a built environment that improves the nutrition, fitness, mood, sleep patterns, productivity and performance of its occupants.
WELL is comprised of over 100 features that apply to every construction project.
Each WELL feature is designed to address issues affecting occupant health, comfort, or awareness through design, operations, and behavior.
As in LEED, the scores that can be obtained are Silver, Gold and Platinum.
How do I certify?
- Application for registration and assignment of Advisor
- Collection of evidence and technical documents
- Technical review and on-site inspection of the WELL Advisor
- Issuance of WELL report
Trust us
WELL AP preparados para trabajar en todas los programas WELWe have WELL AP consultants prepared to work in all WELL programs, obtaining the highest possible score.
Strategic definition
We establish the objectives and general viability of the project.
Technical Design
We prepare the technical documentation for construction.
Preparation & Briefing
We analyze the context, studying needs and regulations.
We execute the project on site, managing manufacturing.
Concept Design
We develop preliminary sustainble ideas and initial design proposals.
The building is handed over to the client with final inspections.
Spatial coordination
We provide a more detailed outline of the project
In Use
We track usage and provide post-occupancy support.