Master Plan and Science & Ocean Museum in Qingdao

3rd prize based on a complex mixed use program that includes passive strategies, as well as an active solar envelope to guarantee comfort with low energy requirement

Ocean Museum exterior view


CONCEPT DESIGN: Reinhard Angelis

ZEROCEM: Sustainable strategies, Design Direction

TYPE: International Contest

SIZE: 42.000 sqm (exhibition)

STATE: 3rd prize

YEAR: 2016

LOCATION: Qingdao, China

Mapa mundo con localizador en Qingdao

Master Plan Objectives

  • Propose a dense occupation at North area to preserve Southern Hill
  • Ensure rainwater drainage and harvesting
  • Provide connected public spaces along the whole the area
  • Functional adequacy

Site description

Site map with access to Science Museum

Layouts and use schemes

In such a complex project with more than 40,000 m2, it was essential to create a coherent organisation of functions, grouping thermal zonas and reducing unnecessary corridors.

Furthermore, we decided to concentrate administrative area in the West module, while the rest of the building was bound for public use: meetings within the lower level exhibition within the upper levels.

Like a submarine!

We created a mechanical skin that breathes or closed when necessary so we are able to discover the Ocean!

Pulpo ataca submarino Nautilus

Sustainable Design Strategies

A skin that breathes

Like a submarine, like a fish…

A skin that can be resistant and waterproof or flexible and breathable, is central sustainable strategy

Metal clading plates are placed over auxiliary structure to allow natural ventilation. A ventilation, controlled by mechanical valves according to temperatures gradient monitoring.

Cladding material is partially replaced by traslucent plates where natural light is wanted.

Also photovoltaics panels are used to provide solar energy reducing energy bills.

Cladding material is partially replaced by traslucent plates where natural light is wanted.

Also photovoltaics panels are used to provide solar energy reducing energy bills.

Detailed section through breathing facade





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