Energy Retrofit at Villa Arevalo

Energy Retrofit at villa designed by Antonio Arevalo in 1925, with increased comfort while reducing CO2 emissions

Artistic elevation of Energy retrofit at Villa Arevalo



ZEROCEM: Sustainable strategies, Project development & S.S

TYPE: Comission

SIZE: 480 sqm (multifamily)

STATE: Under construction

YEAR: 2016

SITE: Sevilla, España

Mapa mundo con localizador en Sevilla


Energy Retrofit with heritage restrictions


  1. Thermal comfort according to Nicol and Humphreys’ adaptive model
  2. Energy saving
  3. Natural light maximization
  4. New functions adequacy

Heritage preservation conditions:

  1. Design of facade details
  2. Roof design and appearance
  3. Structural system
  4. Building stairs: outer and inner

Winter design conditions:

  1.  Rise indoor temperature over 21,1ºC
  2.  Keep night relative humidity under 80%
  3.  Solar radiation can be used to rise indoor temprature
  4.  North-east winds blocking

Summer design conditions:

  1.  Increase night ventilation when outer temperatures flow between 21,5 to 25,5ºC
  2. Increase afternoon relative humidity until 60%
  3. Introduce shading devices to avoid overheating due solar radiation
  4. Enhace south-west wind infiltration

Energy Audit

High CO2 emissions reduction, thanks to passive design measures implemented at buildings’ envelope, as well as mechanical services replacement.

To proceed with energy perform, we develop thermal simulations comparing current, refurbishedd and extended state of the original building

Thanks to the introduction of these measures thermal simulation showed an effective reduction in CO2 emissions from 41,5 to 13,7 kg/m2. Then, CER rating changed from E to C, according results obtained in Cerma v4_2_3.

Grafica con datos de reducción de consumo gracias a la rehabilitación energética en Villa Arevalo

Sustainable strategies deployment

BREEAM evaluation of used strategies

Although this project started with the purpose of obtaining the PHit certification, as a way to increase thermal comfort, finally some restrictions imposed from Urban Control Bureau made impossible to fullfil with all technical requirements.

However, we proceed with a BREEAM evaluation during the design stage to get the sustainability rating of the building:

Final score was 57% out of 110%, which provided the building with a “VERY GOOD” evaluation.
To summarize, CO2 emissions reduction through good site selection, works managment and promotion of restoration instead of new construction, was the key element to obtain the qualification.

Grafica preevaluación BREEAM de certificación en construcción sostenible


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